Obsessed With Medals? 3D Print Your Own!

3d print your own dallas tx

If you are like us, then right now, your eyes are glued to the television screen to watch our athletes perform in Paris. Since the last time was during the COVID-19 pandemic, this is really our chance to get caught up in the excitement, and we certainly have felt the bug. One of our favorite things about the games is the medal design, as they are always unique and reflective of the culture of the home country. If you have been thinking about how awesome the medals are, talk to us about how you can 3D print your own with our team right here in Dallas, TX.

At HWB Prints, we love to learn new things, and these games have certainly taught us a ton about the world of sport. We have also learned new techniques and processes in additive manufacturing, and we are ready to bring our expertise to your next project. To find out more about the advantages of 3D printing home decor, summer games, or your own personal gold medals, call us today!

How Additive Manufacturing Provides Design Possibilities

If you have been looking online for a replica medal, and you just are not having any luck, we know how you feel. The online marketplace is saturated with items for sale, yet even with all of those choices, it can be tough to find the one that actually fits your needs.

When you 3D print your own custom items, you give yourself more flexibility. You can customize every detail of your design, and through this revolutionary process, we can help you to turn it into a real-life object. There are many possibilities with 3D printing, so talk to our team about your next project.

Want Your Own 3D Printed Gold Medal From The 2024 Games?

Let’s face it: there are two things that our athletes can bring home with them from their experience in Paris. They can bring back their memories of an exciting global event, and they can also bring back the medal that they have won. And this year, they are pretty cool, with an actual slice of the Eiffel Toer embedded into the design.

You can actually find a plan for 3D printing your own medals, mirroring those in the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. This is an amazing opportunity to be able to bring the excitement home to your kids, your coworkers, or just about anyone who is first place in your mind.

3D Print Your Spirit With HWB Prints!

Are you amped up about the Olympics? If you’ve been getting into the games, talk to us about how you can 3D print your own medals. To find out more, call HWB Prints in Dallas, TX at (469)783-6865 or email us at Info@hwbprints.com!

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