FAQs About 3D Printing

What do you know about 3D printing? As this technology becomes more popular, more and more people are discovering everything that can be crafted with it. In today’s blog, HWB Prints will be answering a few common questions about this process, and about the variety of goods we can create!

Question: What materials do you use?

Answer: We use PLA and PETG filaments. They’re very strong and durable, but also lightweight and versatile as well. They come in a number of different colors our clients can choose from, although your items can also be painted to your specifications later. We can use these to create your designs, and the print area for them can accommodate items 300mm (11.82in) x 300mm (11.82in) with a height of 400mm (15.75in). Although if you have larger items, we can print them in pieces that can be assembled later.

Question: What programs do you print from?

Answer: We print from .CAD, so you simply provide us the files in this program and we can create your design. But! If you don’t know how to use this Pero tram but have an amazing idea you want to see printed, then give us a call or send an email. We can work with you to create the file and fabricate your item to your specifications. We want to bring your vision to life, and we don’t want a lack of knowledge about .CAD to prevent this from happening!

Question: Can I create tools?

Answer: You can, and we’ve helped many people do just that! We’ve printed tile squares and custom jigs, and other unique tools for specific jobs. 3D printing is much more affordable than metal fabrication, and we can even help you design and craft prototypes for unique tools or inventions of your own design. Since NASA released tons of their own print files, we’ve crafted tools used by astronauts! The only limit is your imagination.

Question: What home goods can be crafted?

Answer: We’ve helped people create unique 3D art pieces, toys, chess pieces, custom costume parts, and even coat racks, clips, and spice racks designed to accommodate uniquely sized drawers and cabinets in your home.

If you have any questions about bringing your vision to life, then simply reach out and talk to our team. We have the skills, experience, and technology to fabricate your items to your exact specifications. Remember, these also make great gifts and the holidays are right around the corner!

Do You Have Any Additional Questions?

If you have any questions we didn’t address, then feel free to give us a call or send an email! For any other questions about this process or our services, then please email us at Info@hwbprints.com or call us at 469-783-6865.

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