New Possibilities For Your Designs

In the world of manufacturing, traditional injection molding can take a while before you see results. Traditional means of production require the creation of a specific mold for each new item, and if something is not quite right, it could be weeks or more until you can have access to a revision. Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, gives you the ability to shorten this process significantly.

Uncover a world of possibility with the use of additive manufacturing from HWB Prints in Dallas, TX. You can send us files from anywhere on the planet, and we can start to work on your project. Stop relying on overseas manufacturing as well, with a production process deep in the heart of Texas. If there are things that you would like to modify about your design, simply change it in your software; we can print your revisions quickly after receiving them. There are amazing applications for this production process, from your own home decor to custom marketing materials for your business!

How Does Additive Manufacturing Work, Exactly?

For some, the novel production process using 3D printing technology seems like a mystery. How can people craft items out of seemingly nothing? This technique uses an advanced printer that places thin layers of a plastic material known as filament. As these layers start to build up, the machine builds your object. There is also another form of printer that hardens a resin, achieving a similar outcome.

The result is that you have the ability to create limited-run or unique custom designs in a different way than traditional injection molding. Often, this process is much shorter than can be reasonably achieved with other methods, as well. Speak with our team about your project, and we can help you to understand this new technology!

Rely On Homegrown Production With Additive Manufacturing

With 3D printing, you have the ability to keep your manufacturing within the United States. With other methods of production, you could be relying on overseas companies to produce, leading to significant hurdles. Even if you are able to avoid confusion in language translation, the simple fact is that it takes time to see a prototype.

By choosing additive manufacturing, you have access to a team within the country that can speak to you about your needs. We can help you to create your objects in a timely manner, with less of a struggle. Discover the advantages of 3D printing!

A New Way To Create With HWB Prints In Dallas, TX

For more information on how additive manufacturing can help you, give us a call at HWB Prints in Dallas, TX at 469-783-6865 or email us at You have more options on a quicker timeline with 3D printing!

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