Quickly Build Your New Prototypes

3d printing HWB Dallas TX

The invention process can sometimes be hindered by the time it takes to create a new prototype. If you are relying upon traditional injection molding for a plastic model, you could be waiting for weeks, or even months. Additive manufacturing brings a different approach that can allow you to print nearly immediately after you finish your design. 3D printing gives you the ability to modify your concepts to suit your needs; in prototyping, this can be especially important.

Tweak your designs, so that you have more creative opportunities in your design. Speak with HWB Prints in Dallas, TX about your direction and your goal, so that we can guide you through the entire process. You can send us files from anywhere on Earth, and we can start working on your project, so take the opportunity to bring your ideas to life! The limit lies in your imagination.

Create New Concepts For All Applications

The inspiration for invention can sometimes come in places where you might not expect. If you have a novel idea to help hobbyists, you might have a marketable product already in your head. Additive manufacturing can help you to make your dreams into a reality, so you can finally craft the tool you have always been wanting to try.

For instance, this process can be beneficial for musicians who have always needed a specific item that just does not exist on the market. Now, you can design your perfect bridge or nut for your guitar, or bracket for your drumset. No longer do you have to rely on manufacturers and steep markups at music shops. With 3D printing, you can turn your concept into a reality, with a functional prototype in a fraction of the time of traditional injection molding.

Tweak Your Designs Without A New Mold

One of the significant advantages of additive manufacturing is its turnaround speed. With other plastic production methods, you need to wait until a factory creates your mold; this time could take weeks, if not months to complete. By the time you receive a prototype, you might have changed your mind on the design entirely. Discover the benefits of speedy production using 3D printing.

Put your prototype to the test quickly, so that you can identify areas that can be improved. The ability to make changes on the fly can give you additional rounds of revisions for your product. Run your ideas by others in your industry to get rapid market research through an organic process.

Bring Your Ideas To Life With HWB Prints

For the creation of your new prototype, reach out to HWB Prints in Dallas, TX. Give us a call at 469-783-6865 or email us at Info@hwbprints.com to learn more about how additive manufacturing expands your capabilities.

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