Revolutionary Open Source Designs For You To See

Corona HWB

The benefits of 3D printing in its production phase are apparent. We are able to quickly craft all sorts of items from personal toys to prototypes for serious industry. One organization that has been on the forefront of the additive manufacturing landscape is NASA. The United States scientific space exploration community has been instrumental in the creation of this process and expanding its current applications. Many of the items that you use on a daily basis have roots in US government research, including your cell phone!

The first item 3D printed in space was in 2014, and NASA has continued to be a major driver in the development of this technology. Now, they have released troves of files that you can 3D print with us at HWB Prints in Dallas, TX. This situation shows the opportunity of additive manufacturing in bringing conceptual knowledge to the public. Other entities like The Smithsonian Institution and others are also releasing their own scans of items that we can help to recreate. The Smithsonian alone gives the public access to over 3 million files!

How Open Source Designs Give You Freedom To Create

The beauty of .CAD design files is that these can transfer between machines and send designs instantly through an internet connection. This allows for an amazing ability to turn conceptual ideas into physical objects with speed. In terms of production this has obvious benefits. But how do you find interesting concepts if you are not a designer?

While there are many available websites to gain access to helpful designs for the creation of everyday items, you might be looking for something a little more special. Research institutions are beginning to release their own files to the public, which allows for unprecedented access to their information.

Bring Your Favorites To HWB

Two government agencies in particular have released large amounts of files to the public. NASA has an incredible website that contains millions of resources that you have the ability to peruse. These files can be invaluable in the recreation of actual NASA material, including a multitool that they use in space!

The Smithsonian Institution has a site that also contains amazing materials. From the full skeleton of a wooly mammoth to the death mask of Abraham Lincoln, you can build unprecedented scale models at HWB Prints!

You Can Create More Than Ever Before At HWB Prints In Dallas, TX

Call HWB Prints at 469-783-6865 or email us at to learn more about how 3D printing is expanding the possibilities of manufacturing. Take advantage of the new opportunities in small-scale production. Discover how open source .CAD files can give you access to items previously unattainable!

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